2010年11月22日 星期一







2010年11月8日 星期一







心得 最初覺得好容易發生意外,只要事前做足安全設備,並沒有危險。活動只准許在指定區域,都是偏離泳客區,在下水前必須穿標準助浮衣,在船上最好一人負責駕駛,另一人負責照顧者。下水前應與者學習簡單手語,減低發生意外的機會

2010年11月7日 星期日

On your way to some fun wakeboarding!

Wakeboard So you want to enter into the exciting world of wakeboarding? You've come to the right place to get started. Follow these wakeboarding tips to get you started.

Having the right foot forward can make a huge difference in being comfortable on your wakeboard so decide which way is the most comfortable for you. While in the water try to keep your board on it's side and when the boat begins to pull simply allow the boat to pull you and the board out of the water. Don't try to pull yourself out, just allow the boat to do the work.

When being pulled up attempt to put 50% of your weight on your front foot. When you are fully out of the water you should have about 60% of your weight forward on the board with both arms on each side of your knee (While holding on the rope, of course). Squat down as much as possible so that you can more successfully swing into the correct upright position when you are close to the board.

Never try to come up at full speed. You may need the boat to go slower at first when trying to come out of the water. I would recommend going slow to start off and increasing the speed as you begin to get better at coming out of the water.

It is best for beginners to use a shorter rope which will help you get out of the water. Try to use a 45' rope when you first get started. Since you are a beginner it is best to start off slow even when you get the hang of getting out of the water, because it is just as difficult to stay up than it is to actually get up. Start slow and tell the driver of the boat to gradually increase the speed as you become more comfortable.

Being a decent wakeboarder takes time, so continue to stay up to date with wakeboarding tips and continue to practice and you'll be on your way to some fun wakeboarding.

2010年11月6日 星期六


滑水 位於呂宋島的南甘馬倫省(Camarines Sur)本是菲律賓最貧窮的四十個省份之一,惟當全亞洲最大型的人工滑水運動中心Camsur Watersports Complex(簡稱CWC)開幕後,竟奇地扭轉了當地經濟,旅遊業的全面推動,不但為當地人製造了可觀財富,刺激的鋼索滑水及齊全的住宿設施,亦為世界各地遊客提供了另類度假選擇,創造了雙贏局面。

花式滑水 當香港選擇以金融業支撐整個城市經濟發展時,菲律賓南甘馬倫省的省長Luis Raymund Villafuerte Jr.更獨具慧眼,兩年多前一擲數以億元興建了一個全亞洲最大型的人工滑水運動中心CWC,希望以旅遊業帶動當地的經濟發展,據說成效很不錯,開業至今已舉行了多場大型國際 滑水比賽,將南甘馬倫省由一個寂寂無名的地方帶上國際舞台。CWC坐落於南甘馬倫省最大城市納加(Naga)旁邊,由馬尼拉乘約四十五分鐘內陸機即可達,交通亦算方便。而整個 水上活動中心佔地約六公頃,以偌大的人工滑水湖為中心,離地超逾十米的環湖 鋼索滑道架於半空,呼呼的滑輪聲伴以底下滑水者的連連叫聲,足以挑起每個入園者的運動細胞,只想即時投入那激盪浪花中玩個痛快

花式滑水 鋼索滑水其實就是以鋼索拉動替代了傳統的快艇,讓滑水可不受天氣或海上情況影響而全天候進行,刺激度不減,卻更安全,難怪大受滑水者歡迎,亦很適合初學者到來試玩,因有專人從旁教導。這裏的滑水方式共分四種,像我們一行人全無滑水經驗,教練提議我們可由最易平衡的 Kneeboarding入手,跪坐於滑板上,隨鋼索呼嘯滑出水面,由於重心低,果然很易控制,浪花撲面而來,暢快淋漓,這就是滑水的感覺!可惜忘形間轉彎時卻一個失衡,隨即撲入水中,宣告第一次滑水終止,那刺激感卻已上了癮,即時游回起點再接再厲

花式滑水 至於有經驗者則可選玩WakeboardingWater Skiing Wake Skating,各有刺激處,如Wakeboarding可玩的花式最多,沿湖便設有六個不同跳台給高手大顯滑水身手,看各人於半空中又跳又翻,姿態瀟灑漂亮,確叫人羨慕。另外,主湖邊最近又開設了一條滑水道,方便初學者練習。如此大玩一天,收費只須約120港元,只能用「超抵玩」三字形容

花式滑水 一般滑水者來到,少則玩上一天,多則三數天,故滑水中 心內亦設有各式各樣的住宿設施配合,由最便宜的數十港元一晚(須使用公共廁所及浴室),到數百港元一晚都有,視乎不同房型而定。其中環湖而建的獨立式小木 屋Cabanas及由貨櫃改建而成的Trailer房間,可算最方便就腳,房租亦划算,雙人房每晚約192港元起,惟房間設施只屬一般,且大部分都須「自 助」,如單、毛巾甚至生紙等房內用品,都須向接待處自取或替換,對慣了凡事有人準備妥當的香港滑水遊客來說,確有點不方便

花式滑水 至於想住得舒適點,則可選擇入住 Mansion Suite 或最豪華的 Villas,尤其後者,更可享用私家泳池,房內設施亦最豪華齊全,部分更設有露天浴池,享受一流,當然房租亦非一般,雙人房每晚約 800 港元起,於當地生活水平來說,已是豪宅之級數。雖然整體上這裏的住宿設施仍有極多不足之處,然而卻有一意外驚喜,就是全滑水中心都鋪設了無上網服務,且速度不錯,對於須兼顧工作的滑水遊客來說可謂方便之極

花式滑水 其實 CWC 的建立,除作推動當地的滑水旅 遊事業外,當局亦加入了不少綠色元素,藉以教育遊人,尤其是學生及年輕一代的環保意識,故中心另一邊便特地建立了一個Ecovillage,村內有湖泊、 溶洞、樹林、吊橋及溫室等,雖都是人工建造,卻也栩栩如生,綠意盎然。尤其是那個人工溶洞,規模雖不大,洞內卻打造了怪石嶙峋,配合穿洞而過的彎曲小河, 竟也營造了一步一景之效,昏暗光下氣氛十足,如此假洞竟謀殺了我們不少相機記憶體,可是大家意料之外。步出溶洞滑水,外牆原是一幅高聳的攀石牆,團體或遊人可租借作練習之用。至於全村還設立了多個戶外燒烤及野餐場地,池塘邊亦可隨意垂釣,只是釣上的魚若取走都須按公斤計,每公斤約 24 港元,不算便宜。 [星島日報副刊]

  香港滑水課程查詢: 香港滑水學校 | The Wakeboard School (HK)


- 海洋公園夏水禮中的小滑水梯後,半驚半笑說出來的真心話……小朋友的已經那麼刺激,大人玩的呢,唔,全球最長充氣滑水梯, 7月 1日正式登場,那種飛躍感覺,自己去試啦 !記者:謝翠玲海洋公園夏水禮 2010的重頭戲就是這條全球最長、最高的極速摩天滑水梯。只要登上最頂端,便可從 11高的梯頂極速滑過 54長的充氣滑道,體驗前所未有的極速消暑快感

Model Eagle試後大叫「好玩,當被水弄濕後,滑起來更加快速,很刺激!」怪不得為了拍攝效果要她試玩超過 6次也無怨言,我都想試呀! 看着 Model姐姐玩大滑梯玩得不亦樂乎,小朋友們也在騷動,不停嚷着要試玩輕量級的冲天滑水梯。這個適合身高至少 110cm的大小朋友的滑水梯高 7長 28,雖然冲天滑水梯較矮和短,但衝力一樣強勁而且滑行得更急,還沒做好心理準備便要滑完, 看小朋友們試完嚷着「好快好驚」,但轉頭又要排隊再 Encore便知道好不好玩了

挑戰完滑水梯,氣還沒喘定,又有不同的水戰場在等着你們了!除了滑水梯區,還有「槍戰水世界」和「決一水戰」的戰場讓大小朋友激戰連場,其中佔地超過一萬平方呎的「槍戰水世界」到處遍佈水彈機關,更有神出鬼沒的水怪等着被消滅,反應慢點也小心被反擊!當然也不可錯過「勁歌熱舞泡泡池」來場清凉泡泡大戰。 戰鬥累了,也可以稍事休息,欣賞每天安排的表演,包括由世界級頂尖跳水高手表演的 80呎跳台一躍而下的「高台飛魚大匯演」,「濕身鼓陣」和由專業舞林高手在水中表演「舞動夏日」,看着也覺陣陣清凉

玩完水戰後,還一定要去全新開幕的「中華鱘館——長江足跡」探望新來港的活化石中華鱘! 剛重新開幕不久的中華鱘館以長江為主題,這個全港最大的淡水魚類展館設有一個容量達 42萬公升的主魚池, 展示 10尾年齡介乎 2 10歲的中華鱘,此外亦有其他來自長江和香港的特有淡水魚種,在透明水底觀光隧道觀賞游來游去的魚兒,令遊人恍如置身長江流域之中,份外投入

2010年11月4日 星期四

Wakeboard for Beginners

How to Wakeboard for Beginners
Searching for tips on how to wakeboard for beginners can be tricky because a lot of tips and articles written on wakeboarding are not intended for first-time wakeboarders.  It is undeniable that wakeboarding is one of the hottest sports these days, and so many outdoor sports fanatics are eager to try it out. Getting started in any sports requires you to know its fundamentals, including the equipment needed and how each is properly used.

Wakeboard Learn the basics
Before plunging into the water with your Wakeboard, first, know the right wakeboard for you. It is not always true that the latest and the most expensive professional board is the best to start with. Learning how towakeboard for beginners requires some research on which board is suitable to your body type and which between twin tip or double ended boards is right for you. Allow yourself to learn from a larger wakeboard with one or more huge rear fins to provide direction to your board. Moving your board in different directions with ease is crucial for beginners. For a small body frame, an ideal board length is between 125 to 135 centimeters, while medium built frame can choose between 135 to 140 centimeters. And for large body frame, a board that measures between 140 to 145 centimeters is perfect Wakeboard.

As a starter, you need to learn with a short rope, which is about 15 meters. This allows you to get closer to the boat. You should never forget to wear your vest not only for safety reason but it also helps you reserve your energy. Just before you take your first try, inform the boat driver not to go faster than 35 to 40 kph because the board has high resistance during the start so better go slowly.

Wakeboard The Proper Stance
Learning how and where you should stand on the board is the next important aspect that you should keep in mind. If you do snowboarding or you skateboard, you won’t have any problem with your stance. If you have not tried any of these sports, you can determine your lead foot by knowing which foot you always move forward. If you want to be certain, while you’re still on land, stand up straight and ask somebody to push you from your back. So, whichever foot moves forward first, then that is your lead foot.

Wakeboard Correct Placement of bindings
You must put your bindings in the right angle. You do this by allowing your rear foot to stand straight across your Wakeboard – this makes a 0 degree, or you may move it a little forward and make a 9 degree angle. Your lead foot must be positioned between 9 to 27 degrees. Just before you start, always check if your bindings and fins are properly fastened.

Wakeboard Begin on Deep Water
Go to the water floating on your back using your safety vest. Make sure that the Wakeboard is vertically upright with the rope and your arms must be placed on the side of your knee. When you are in the right position, you can tell the boat driver to start and slowly pull you. When you feel that the water is providing your board with the right support, slowly stand up until your knees are fairly bent and put your body weight on your lead foot.

Do not rush on learning various tricks and stance. First, you need to develop your overall body coordination and learn to move in a continuous motion. You must always start at the right angle while floating on the water and then allow the rope to pull you up and finally stand up putting your weight on your lead foot.  Learning how to Wakeboard for beginners is not that all easy because every move requires precision and utmost safety Wakeboard.

2010年11月2日 星期二





雖 然這是真的,最右彎是定期和左撇子是愚蠢的,它不是在所有不凡有這扭轉。如果你不知道,站(在陸地上)的一條線。你可以開始運行,並通知你的腳先放下,或 者你可以找人把你推意外,讓他們也要注意你的腳放下第一。第二種選擇是有點可怕,但它更有效,因為你不會有機會想太多關於哪個腳你要提出。無論你放下腳應 該是你前腳在滑水


當船開始拉你,順其自然董事會和崛起當你感到壓力的推你。你的手臂彎曲並應你的手緊緊地拿著繩子。拉長你的雙腿,但要確保你保持膝蓋彎曲。這些都是最基本的技巧,以幫助您開始在滑水。當你變得更加有經驗,你將學習新的技能,比如騎馬 fakie(向後)和能夠做的技巧

Wakeboards and their characteristics!

WAKEBOARDs  are buoyant boards that are kind of a mix between a surfboard and a snowboard. Oh and a water ski. The core of the wakeboard is made up of honeycomb or foam mixed up with resin and coated with fiberglass. Wakeboards are shorter in length and wider when compared with snowboards. They are also thicker so that they have more volume and therefore more buoyancy.

Where do wakeboards come from?
In 1985 two surfers Tony Finn of San Diego and Redmon of Texas made small surfboards that were designed to be towed behind a boat. Finn called his board a "skurfer" as it was a cross between a water ski and surfboard. Redmond at first they called his thing (no pun intended:) ) a "skiboard" but changed it in favor of "wakeboard" in order to avoid confusion with the snow skiboard. The term "wakeboard" was coined by Paul Fraser of Canada.

If you are not completely new to wakeboarding you probably heard of O'Brien wakeboards. Herb O'Brein is the owner of H.O. Sports and a successful businessman. He introduced the compression molded neutral buoyancy wakeboard called the Hyperlite. This innovation helped the sport grow massively into what is today popularly known as wakeboarding. This Hyperlite's neutral buoyancy made wakeboarding accessible to everyone from age of 4 to 80. The boards were getting better as the sport grew. Redmon made the final improvement of the board in 1993 by developing the twin tip wakeboard which is now the standard one.

Wakeboards and their characteristics
Wakeboards Rocker
The "rocker" is the bend in a wakeboard from tip to tail. The most common rocker shape is a continuous rocker. That means that the bottom of the wakeboard is a smooth curve all the way from tip to tail. Another type of rocker is a three-stage rocker. With three-stage rocker a wakeboard has three bottom areas with two points where the curve of the bottom changes. Kind of like a skateboard deck, but much much smoother. 

Why different wakeboard rocker? Continuous rocker wakeboards are faster (water flows smoothly over the bottom) and wakeboard with three-stage rocker will push more water infront of it, because of the steeper front part making wakeboard slower. On the other hand you will be able to jump higher off the water.

Wakeboards Lenght
You could go with the manufacturers sizing chart or you could go with what feels best for you. The difference in lenght makes the wakeboard either more manouvrable or smoother to ride. So a short wakeboard will feel lighter, spin faster and seem more aggressive. On the other hand it will make landings more difficult. A longer wakeboard is a bit slower while you are dooing tricks but landings are easier and the ride is smoother.

Wakeboards Width
You meassure the width of the wakeboard in three places - tip, tail and middle. Tip and tail should generally be the same width. If narrow they make wakeboard turn faster. If they are wider wakeboards are better for surface tricks. You also get better release for spins off the wake.

But the main meassurement is the width in the midle of the wakeboard. Wider wakeboards will sit higher in the water and will bounce higher off the wake, so wider wakeboard mean higher jumps.

Wakeboards Bottom Design
This is where shapers play. You can have wakeboards with channels, concaves and flat section in all possible combinations. Every setup has a different function for instance - Concaves create lift and make the wakeboard sit higher in the water. That's not all, it is also importatn where on the wakeboard the concaves are. Channel on the other hand act like fins, they direct the flow of the water under the wakeboard and make it hold its direction better. If the bottom is completely flat the tip, tail and width of the wakeboard determine hoe the wakeboard will ride.

Wakeboards Fins
The shape and the placement of the fins both play an important role in the feel of the wakeboard. If the fins are closer to the center of the wakeboard it will be quicker to release from the wake and vice versa. Fin shapes vary from molded fins to multi fin setups.

Long based wakeboard fins
Its all about the surface area of the fin. You will have better release and a looser wakeboard with these.

Molded wakeboard fins
As the name says these fins are a part of the wakeboard, the are kind of like big channels in the board that act like fins. The slip faster so most of the boards also have a center fin to help with that.

Multi Fin Setup
Multi Fin Setup will give you maximum edge hold.

Canted side fins
These fins have an angle and only start to play bigger role when you lean on edge of the wakeboard. That is when they "grab".

Cupped side fins
The effect is similar to canted fins. The have a hold of bigger fins.

Wakeboards for beginners
So what kind of wakeboard to choose? The boards configuration, binding and the positioning of the fins vary according to the preferences of the rider, and the type of trick he is trying to master. But for beginners there are a few pointers that will make the first steps easier:

1.Get a longer wakeboard - it will have more buoyancy, it will float better and your arms will not get tired after a few minutes. Smaller wakeboard tries to sink deeper into the water so there is more resistance working against you.

2. Bigger fins - bigger fins, more control when you are wakeboarding in a straght line. Wakeboard will hold its direction better and it will be easier for beginners to control it.

3. Simple bindings - when you are better you will want to have more control over your board and make your bindings tighter. But at the beginning make sure your feet can slide out of the binginds if you fall. But do not overdo it :) as it will get much harder to cnotrol the wakeboard if your feet float inside the bindings.

4. Stay away from cheap turist wakeboards. As soon as you try both - the rent-a-cheap wakeboard or a regular wakeboard you will feel the difference. Tons of it.  Most of the time these wakeboards have a very soft edge and are therefore hard to turn and ride on the edge.